Design Style
  • Simple
  • Modern
  • Minimalist
  • Designed 10 pages
  • Designed both dark and white themes

Felik app is used to set up and control a high-tech AI pet toy.

UI design for a mobile application used to set up and control a high-tech AI pet toy. Felik uses a computer vision algorithms to track pets and decide where to move a laser.

The challenge on this project was that client desired an easy switch from light to dark theme. So it was important to design accordingly from the beginning. So my idea was to create a simple interface with one dominant color that would work nicely on both light and dark backgrounds.

One of the goals was to attract younger people with simple, modern minimalist design, but it was also important to convey warmth and love for pets.

When the design of all screens was completed, the client was happy with the general style, simplicity, consistency with colors and shapes. We also created custom illustrations for each of the setting screens, it was important that users quickly understand and connect illustrations with settings/descriptions.