Design Directions
  • Modern
  • Youthful
  • Creative
What we finished
  • Brand Strategy
  • Logo Design
  • T-Shirt Design
  • Business Cards
  • Social Media Images

Game Developer / software engineer that teaches people to code.

Enter the World of Game Development. Game developer teaching the world how to code and create games in Unity3D. So it was our goal and focus to create a brand identity that would connect with all people interested in game development.

One of my ideas was to include some part of the code elements, something they developers all the time, but in a cool and modern way, something that’s gonna be recognizable and make his courses stand out.

Because Jon teaches development mostly in Unity3D, it was important that his logo stands next to Unity3D logo and symbol in some marketing materials and situations, we successfully did that by creating a symbol that will connect with developers on first sight.